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Because fern spores germinate to produce gametophytes on which male and female reproductive organs are produced for sexual reproduction. Likewise in flowering plants large number of pollen grains are produced to ensure gametic union. Once the fertilization is achieved the sporophytic generation begins and there is surity of survival in diploid phase. Hence gametes are produced in plenty and zygotes and seeds in limited ammount.

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Jaunita Hand

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Q: Why do ferns and mosses reproduce using spores?
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Mosses and ferns are plants that reproduce using what?


What do ferns and mosses have in common?

Mosses and Ferns both reproduce using spores instead of seeds or flowers. Mosses and Ferns are both plants. Mosses and Ferns are both made up of cells. Mosses and Ferns both photosynthesize.

Liverworts mosses and ferns do not produce what?

Liverworts, mosses, and ferns do not produce flowers or seeds. They reproduce using spores instead.

Why must ferns club mosses and horsetail grow in moist surroundings?

Because they reproduce using spores

Why must ferns Club mosses and horsetails grow and moist surroundings?

Because they reproduce using spores

Which plants grow with spores?

Plants that reproduce with spores include ferns, mosses, liverworts, and some types of algae. Spores are small reproductive structures that can develop into new individuals under favorable conditions. These plants have a life cycle that alternates between a spore-producing stage (sporophyte) and a gamete-producing stage (gametophyte).

What does not reproduce with seeds?

Mosses and ferns are plants which do not reproduce using seeds.

What two types of plats reproduce with spores?

Ferns and mosses are two types of plants that reproduce using spores. Spores are reproductive cells that are capable of developing into new plants under suitable conditions.

Ferns and mosses are similar because both?

Ferns and mosses are similar because both are non-flowering plants that reproduce through spores rather than seeds. They also both thrive in damp and shady environments, making them common in forest ecosystems.

How do non-seed plants reproduce?

Non-seed plants reproduce through spores. Spores are produced in specialized structures on the plant, such as sporangia, and are released into the environment where they can germinate into new plants under favorable conditions. This process is called spore dispersal and allows non-seed plants like ferns and mosses to spread and reproduce.

What plant does not reproduce with seeds?

Mosses and ferns are plants which do not reproduce using seeds.

Does a hibiscus have spores?

No, hibiscus plants reproduce using seeds, not spores. Spores are typically found in ferns, mosses, and other non-flowering plants. Hibiscus flowers produce seeds within a seedpod or fruit structure.