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Deciduous trees - that is, trees that drop their leaves annually - have many different pigments in the leaves. During the growing season, the chlorophyll (the green pigment) is dominant. Chlorophyll reacts with water and sunlight to generate energy for the plant.

In the autumn, when the trees go dormant, the chlorophyll breaks down. The other pigments were in the leaves all along, just "hidden" by the chlorophyll. When the green pigment breaks down, the other colors become visible. The color that the leaves turn depends on the species of the tree. Maples turn scarlet or yellow, oaks turn a bronze-brown shade, aspens and birches bright gold, and so on.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Some trees losetheir leaves during summer so they will have less leaves to water. When they lose their leaves, they no longer need water for those leaves so during summer, when there is little rain or water, they can conserve the little water they get. :D

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15y ago

Although most maple trees are disiduous, there are a few that are evergreen.

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9y ago

Maple trees go into a hibernation mode, using very little energy.

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Does a maple tree die in the fall?

As the Maple is deciduous it's leaves fall in the Autumn, but the tree does not die.

Do both maple and oak tree's lose their leaves in the fall?

Maple leaves turn a beautiful red color and do fall off the tree.

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It is not the Maple leaves that spin as they fall. The seed pods are what are spinning. The pods fall away from the tree and some will germinate and grow.

The life cycle of a maple tree?

its cycle is first small tree and then turns into an adult tree

Is a maple tree deciduous?

Yes, maple trees (there are several species) are deciduous and shed their leaves in the Autumn (Fall in America).

What is the colour of a maple tree?

The leaves of a maple tree can range in color from green in the spring and summer to various shades of red, orange, or yellow in the fall.

Are maple trees deciduous?

Most maple tree species are deciduous, because they lose their other parts seasonally; such as leaves, or petals after flowering and fruit when ripe. In a more specific sense, deciduous means the dropping of a part that is no longer needed, or falling away after its purpose is finished.

Are maple a kind of evergreen tree?

No. I do not know of any Maple species that are Evergreen.

What type of trees are deciduous?

The types of trees that are deciduous have leaves that shed every fall such as the maple tree.

What is the smallest maple tree leaf called?

Maple leaves.

What is A spruce tree is a and a maple tree is a an?

A spruce tree is a coniferous tree, while a maple tree is a deciduous tree. Coniferous trees typically bear needles or scales and have cones, while deciduous trees have broad leaves that fall off seasonally.

What type of tree is a spruce tree and what type of tree is a maple tree?

A spruce tree is a coniferous evergreen (pine needles and cones) and most maple trees are deciduous (leaves fall off).