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Because she had no comma sence

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Q: Why did the zebra flunk the grammar test?
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Why did Zorna flunk his grammar test?

she had no comma sense (no common sense)

Why did zones flunk the grammar test?

Zones failed the grammar test because it lacked subject-verb agreement, had incorrect verb tenses, and contained numerous spelling and punctuation errors.

Why did lorna flunk the grammar test?

Lorna may have flunked the grammar test due to lack of preparation, difficulty understanding the material, or not studying effectively. It's important to identify the cause in order to address it and improve performance in the future.

Why did Zorna flunk the grammar test?

She had no comma sense show your work even six grade mcallister

How do you use flunk in a sentence?

I flunked my math exam last week.

Is flunk a real word?

Flunk is in the dictionary as a real word. It can be used as a noun meaning a failure to reach a minimum required performance, or as a verb meaning to fail a test.

Can flunk be used in passive voice?

Yes, "flunk" can be used in passive voice. For example, "The exam was flunked by the student" is in the passive voice.

Will you flunk a drug test from smoking Humboldt Gold incense?

No it has no THC in it u have nothing to worry about.

Will a 5mg Valium taken at night show up in a drug test the next morning and will it be enough to flunk a drug test?

Yes to both.

Why study systemic functional grammar?

Because we have too many class-B telephone cleaners. And if you flunk out of that course, be alert... The world needs more lerts.

If you stop smoking for 5 day can you pass a marijiana?

A marijuana test? Probably not. There are tricks to pass drugtests, but without cheating you'll probably flunk the test after five days.

When was Flunk Punk Rumble created?

Flunk Punk Rumble was created in 2010.