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They can and have been. Try looking up Zorse. It's Zebra/Horse cross.

The back and hindquarters of a pure zebra are too weak to support a rider. Pure zebras also are more tempermental than horses.

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17y ago
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11y ago

Zebras are really hard to find in places like Louisiana they are much easier to find in places like Africa. Zebras can be held as pets only if you have a big backyard or a lot of room you could build a really high fence with those little things at the top so they cant get out of your yard. A fact about zebras are that the run really fast and sprint a lot. One more fact ...... Zebras also jump really high, so if you want to keep a zebra as a pet i suggest you build a really high fence

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13y ago

i believe so. the horses and zebras are distant cousins. but why would u want to tame a zebra? horses are much easier to tame and come in all different varieties. watever ur doing good luck. Yes, but Zebras are spookier and much harder to train than horses, so it is difficult, and often disappointing. You should have allot of experience training horses, difficult horses, before trying a zebra.

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9y ago

Zebras are wild herd animals found on the African savannas, which are rolling grasslands scattered with shrubs and isolated trees. Though zebras can also be kept in safari parks and zoos, and may appear tame, they are not classed as being domesticated (unlike horses).

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13y ago

This is a good question. There was one that used in a Disney movie. There are not very many that you see in public.

No because it's Skin Rolls From Side To Side

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14y ago

No the zeberas are facing extinction. The only way is if you are going to smuggle (BAD IDEA!!!!!!) OR you can visit them at the zoo.

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14y ago

it is possible but difficult, they prefer to remain as wild beings

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12y ago

beacuse its a wild animal

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