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Nightshade is a plant with poisonous juices. A medication, belladona is derived from this species. Its derivation is from Old English - nihtscada (meaning: unrecorded night) perhaps because of its narcotic/poisoning effects.

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Is the prune from the nightshade family?

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What are the effects of the plant Nightshade?

Some effects of Nightshade plants/ vegetables (which contains substance called alkaloids) are as follows: digestive and nervous system malfunction and swollen.

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The books in the Nightshade series by Andrea Cremer are: "Nightshade," "Wolfsbane," "Bloodrose," and "Rift."

When was Nightshade - comics - created?

Nightshade - comics - was created in 1966.

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Nightshade - novel - was created in 1989.

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Sebastian Nightshade is 5' 5".

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You will have to be level 7 to get the nightshade berry. When you made it to that level you must click on Seedos. Eventualy he wil give you the nightshade berry.

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Are blueberries a nightshade?

Black pepper is not a nightshade, though nearly every other pepper variety is.

What does deadly nightshade taste like?

Surprisingly, deadly nightshade berries are juicy and quite sweet.