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If it is indoors it may be drying out by being too close to a radiator.

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Q: Why are the leaves on your spring cactus drying up even though it does get watered?
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you can measure how much water you watered your plant.

Why do a tree lost all leaves after transplanted it to the ground?

This is common when a tree is transplanted on a hot day and/or the roots are disturbed too much while transplanting, or it was not watered in well. It's best to transplant in fall or early spring when a tree is dormant and without leaves so not dependent upon the roots to supply water to leaves.

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A general balanced fertiliser applied in Spring and watered in is best.

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How could a spring forming or drying up affect a river?

you do not no de way

Do tree leaves fall off in spring?

Tree leaves do not typically fall off in the spring. In spring, trees typically produce new leaves as part of the growth cycle. The shedding of leaves usually occurs in the fall as the trees prepare for winter.

Why do new leaves appear on the plants in spring?

because when it rains in january and spring comes new leaves start to sprout.

Do leaves have leaves?

no, leave have veins in them, but they do not have leaves on/in them.

When is the best time to plant a cactus?

The best time to plant a cactus is typically in the spring or early summer when the temperatures are warming up. This allows the cactus to establish its roots before facing harsh conditions like extreme heat or cold. Make sure to choose a well-draining soil mix and provide plenty of sunlight for your cactus to thrive.

When do you water pincushion cactus plants?

Pincushion cactuses [Mammillaria spp] need water during the growing season, which tends to be spring and summer. During those seasons, they may need to be watered every 10-14 days. But the guide shouldn't be the number of days. Instead, it should be the dryness or moistness of the soil. The soil should be allowed to come close to drying out almost completely.The rest of the year, during the dormant season, pincushion cactuses don't need watering. It's more important during dormancy to make sure that the temperature doesn't drop too low. Cactus plants may face serious and even fatal damage from cold temperatures. It's what desert and jungle cactus plants have in common. They both are native to warm environments.

How are broad leaved trees adapted to living in deciduous forest?

They adapt to the deciduous forest by shedding their leaves in the fall and they regrow them in the spring to avoid being killed by drying and freezing temperatures. Thus they survive through the winters. They also shed their leaves so they do not lose water rapidly.~Unknown Tree Examiner

Does cactus ever have flowers?

All Cactus do flower. When is a matter of conditions. Usually in Spring but many will not unless conditions are right. Where I lived in So. Ca. the cactus mostly bloomed in late Summer/ early Fall when we got rain.