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Q: Which tree bark use to give flavor to your food?
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If the bark is stripped off a tree the tree will?

it will diebecause it carries food in the bark

What is a beavers favorite food?

Beavers eat mostly tree bark and the soft tissue inside of tree bark.

Elephant favorite food?

Elephants are herbivores and mainly eat grasses, roots, fruit, and bark. Their diet can vary depending on the region and season, but they typically consume a large amount of vegetation to sustain their huge bodies.

How much food does a porcupine eat in a year?

Their major source of food is tree bark. They will eat tree bark until the resource is dry then they will start eating plants.

What is food source of carabao?

Tree bark, leaves and grass

How does a sloth gets it food?

it eats insects that it gets from pealing off bark from tree limbs

What is the reason for a tree to die if the sapwood and bark is cut on a tree?

it cuts the tubes to the top of the tree for the food and water

How does the bark of a tree get food material to survive?

Bark is inactive in a tree but is constantly replaced by the active growth of the vascular cambium- which is just below the bark. Bark is basically a tree's skin on its branches and trunk.Just like damage to skin however, damage to bark (by mowers, scratching, pests, disease) can be very bad for the tree as damage to the vascular cambium could happen.

What does a bark beetle eat?

Bark beetles bore through the bark to eat the tasty nutrients in the inner bark known as the phloem and cambium layers. If they eat all the way around the tree, they will girdle the tree and the tree will die. Girdling cuts the trees food tubes and it will be unable to send nutrients up and down the trunk.

How do tundra animals find food?

they eat bark off of the tree or there leaves

What is a Porqupine's Food Chain?

Herbaceous Plants, Inner Tree Bark, Twigs And Leaves.

How did the Comanche cook their food?

with rock and lightly britheld tree bark from the rubber trees