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Moss grows more on the most sheltered side of trees. A boy scout's trick for finding north was to look at the trees in a forest and see which side the moss grew; the assumption was that the prevaling wind came from the west so the moss grew on the east. This is a bit of an old wive's tale; local varation make it an unreliable way of finding north.

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Q: Which side of a tree does moss grow and why?
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What side of the tree does moss grow on?

Yes, moss does begins a very, very large part of its life cycle only on the north side of trees in the US. However, after a very, very long time that the moss has established itself, I'm talking decades here, then the moss will take over the south side too. But not initially and it rarely lasts that long to take over both sides of a tree. It generally will perish first. Moss grows on all sides of trees. It grows thickest on the north side because the north side doesn't get as much direct sunlight (If it gets any at all) And moss generally grows better in shaded areas. If this is true that moss grows thickest on the north side of the tree, in the southern hemisphere the moss should then grow on the south side of the tree as the sun should pretty much always face the north side of the tree on trees below the equator.

Make a sentence with the word moss?

The moss on the left side of the tree will make you have hallucinations!

Why does moss grow on one side of a statue?

Moss typically grows on the side of a statue that is more shaded and damp, providing a suitable environment for its growth. Factors like sunlight exposure, moisture levels, and surface texture can influence where moss grows on a statue.

Does moss really point north?

Moss does not inherently point north. However, in the northern hemisphere, moss tends to grow more on the northern side of trees due to factors like sunlight exposure and moisture levels. This phenomenon can sometimes give the impression that moss points north, but it is not a reliable method for navigation.

Why do sloths grow moss?

The sloth does not grow moss, the moss does.

Are there animals living on the bark?

no but plants such as a moss and fungi grow all over the tree and bark

What is a beard moss?

A beard moss is any of a variety of lichens of the genus Usnea, which grow hanging from tree branches, and resemble grey or greenish hair.

If you don't use a compass or GPS or map how do you know which way is north east south or west?

you can see where the sun rises (the east) and where it sets (the west). Also, moss will only grow on the north side of the tree if the tree is in the sun

What is different about trees and mosses trees?

You can smoke them both.

Why does it help to hug a tree if you are lost?

Moss grows more thickly on the North side of a tree. Hugging the tree will help you find which direction North is.

What kind of relationship does moss on a tree have with the tree?

Moss on a tree typically has a symbiotic relationship, as the moss benefits from the tree's surface for attachment and access to sunlight, while the tree is not significantly harmed by the presence of the moss. The moss can also help retain moisture and provide insulation for the tree.