Cyclamen will tolerate both acid and alkaline conditions but grow best in a neutral fertile soil.
Very few plants will grow in heavy clay soil and not many will grow in sand. Plants need organic material in the soil to enable the roots to penetrate and to nourish the plants, so the more humus soil contains, the better most plants will grow. Plants also do not thrive in very acid or highly alkaline soil. Most plants prefer neutral or slightly acid pH. Sne45: I think clay-like soil, nor do I think plants in sand can grow.
soil is better
Saline submerged soil
The moist soil will make the plants grow more than on the dry soil in the dirt of the garden
Generally, most plans grow roots in the top 12 inches of the soil, e.g. the topsoil layer is the most important
i believe that if you use regular soil and a fish (bury it in the soil) that's what i heard
This means that erica plants (heaths and heathers) will grow in it. Heaths and heathers naturally grow in peaty acid soils.
soil as there are more nutrients
because soil has more nutrients in it which is better than in the sand
plants grow better in soil because all the nutrients that are needed for it to grow are in the soil