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Q: Which is the reproductive event in conifers where pollen grains from male cones are transferred to female cones called?
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In conifers male and female reproductive structure is found in?

In conifers, male reproductive structures called male cones produce pollen, while female reproductive structures called female cones contain ovules. Pollen is transferred from male cones to female cones through wind or insects for fertilization to occur.

What do conifers have instead of flowers?

Conifers have structures known as cones instead of flowers. Cones are the reproductive structures of conifers that contain seeds. They are typically found on both male and female trees.

A female reproductive cell is?

A female reproductive cell is called an ovum

Female reproductive structure in a flower?

The female reproductive structures in a flower is called the pistil.

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The female reproductive organ that houses and matures the egg is called the

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A male shark has two reproductive organs called claspers. A female shark has one reproductive organ called a cloaca.

What is the fertilizing powder produced by plants called?

The fertilizing powder produced by plants is called pollen. Pollen contains the male reproductive cells of a plant and is transferred to the female reproductive organs of the same or a different plant to enable fertilization.

In males the reproductive cells are called?

A male or female reproductive cell is called a gamete. =-)

What are Flowers with both male and female reproductive parts called?

Flowers with both male and female reproductive parts are called hermaphroditic or bisexual flowers. These flowers have both the stamen (male reproductive part) and pistil (female reproductive part) within the same flower.

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A flowers female reproductive parts are called?

The female reproductive part of a flower is called the carpel. This is made up of the stigma, style, and the ovary.

Is the female reproductive cell called sperm?

No, it is called an ovum.