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The Red Maple (Acer Rubrum) also known as the Swamp Maple is most common however many other Aceraceae (Maples) have red to red/brown samara.

Acer Ginnala : Amur Maple

Acer Tataricum : Tatarian Maple

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Q: Which Maple trees have very bright red Samara?
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What climate is best for sugar maple trees?

very hot

Why do trees have very bright flowers?

Trees have bright flowers to attract the pollinators. specific types of pollinators are bees and hummingbirds.

How many different types of trees are there?

There are many types of trees in the world. There are, at the very least, 1,000 types of trees. ( Spruce, pine, red maple, Chinese maple, cedar, baobab, etc...)

Do both maple and oak tree's lose their leaves in the fall?

Maple leaves turn a beautiful red color and do fall off the tree.

Did they have trees were the inuit lived?

yes the inuit had trees where they lived but it was not a very big variety. such as : the birch,maple and some other trees that can survive cold weather.

How are maple tree seeds dispersed?

it dipersed by splitting

What type of maple trees grow in Canada?

Yes, maple trees do grow in Canada, and that is how we Canadians get our tasty "Maple Syrup on our Pancakes".

How are Christmas trees different from maple trees?

A Christmas tree is an evergreen that keeps its green needles all year round. A maple tree is deciduous. It loses its leaves in the autumn and is naked all winter, growing new leaves in the spring.

What does the Canadian leaf represent?

Canada is very famous for it's maple trees and syrup, so they though the best way to honor their trees was to make it a part of their national flag.

Do maple trees grow in Russia?

Ofc maples grow in russia, but only in the western and southern portions. norway maple is very common in moscow area. russians egt get really good maple syrup

How long to grow a maple tree?

Maple trees grow very quickly, so literally, it takes very little time for the tree to grow.However, if your intention is to chop it down for wood, then you are looking at 15 years and more.Maple trees are good trees to grow in the colder climates as they are quite resiliant, and in some regions are even considered invasive. As with any tree, for the trunk to be sturdy and solid, it will need many years.

How high do maple trees grow?

The silver maple tree is one of the most common maple trees in the central United States. It is a medium to large tree, and one of the fastest growing maple trees. It is ideal for wet lowland sites, and will easily recover from periods of extended flooding. Silver maple trees are some of the best for poor soil and can be transplanted easily. The wood is soft and can be damaged by sever wind or ice storms.Often used in residential areas for shade, the silver maple tree has thick foliage. The leaves are deeply cut and silvery white on the undersides, giving the tree its name. The leaves of the silver maple appear as a light green and turn to a yellow gold in the fall. The silver maple tree produces greenish yellow to red flowers in early spring. This deciduous maple tree provides very dense shade.Silver maple trees are hardy to zones three through nine. They require full sun, but will live in partial shade. A silver maple tree will survive in a variety of soil conditions, but will grow best in moist, well-drained areas. The upright nature of the silver maple tree gives it an open oval shape, with strong spreading branches. The leaves are three to six inches in width, and have five very distinct lobes.Buy Maple Treesfrom our recommended source. Click hereThere are many considerations to think about before planting silver maple trees. First of all is the soft nature of the wood. In areas with extreme weather storms, this tree will likely become damaged easily. A second consideration is that the roots are intrusive. Roots of silver maple trees have been known to break sidewalks and through basement walls. Planted in the proper location and cared for correctly, silver maple trees will provide years of hassle free life and beauty.