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Q: Where does photosynthesis happen in pine tree?
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Related questions

When did Pine Tree Riot happen?

Pine Tree Riot happened in 1772.

What part in a pine tree is responsible for undergoing photosynthesis?

The needles.

What is a pine tree oxygen uptake?

During photosynthesis, a pine tree takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. This process occurs in the chloroplasts of the pine tree's leaves, where carbon dioxide is converted into oxygen through the energy of sunlight. Oxygen is released as a byproduct of this process and helps to replenish the atmospheric oxygen levels.

How does the jack pine obtain energy?

It is a pine tree. It gets its energy by using photosynthesis. If you want to learn more, google or bing it. Don't search for somebody with an obvious answer like me

Pine tree beginning with W?

A Pine Tree begining with the letter "W" is a White Pine Tree.

Is the melaluca tree a pine tree?

No. A melaleuca tree is not a pine tree. It is not a polycotyledon. It is a dicotyledon.

What would happen to the density of pine if the pressure in the area decreased?

The tree would probably disintegrate.

What is the reproductive organ a pine tree?

A pine cone is the reproductive organ of a pine tree.

Is a fir tree a pine?

No. A Fir tree is a Fir [Abies] A Pine tree is a Pine [Pinus] They are both evergreens though.

Does a pine tree have a stem?

They are needles

Is a pine tree is an element?

The pine tree is not a chemical element.

What is the difference between pine and pine trees?

a maple tree is vascular and a pine tree is nonvasclar