giant viper Seriously.
You can get information on some South African safaris from quite a few places. Websites such as And Beyond Africa, Lonely Planet, Go Africa and African Budget Safaris.
Information on African Tribes can be found on a great number of online sources. One major source is Wikipedia, which references all major points made.
There are several websites where one can find information on African Tours. The two that come to mind are Safari and Go Africa. They both provide a wealth of information on this subject.
Where can I find a Giant Squid?? Can you answer to this question as quick as you can?
Rugby is a very popular sport that is played in South Africa. The South African Rugby Union is their international team. The best way to find information about this sport is through local rugby leagues.
You can find information on the mating and reproductive behavior of the African wild ass in scientific journals, research papers, and reputable websites. You may also find information from conservation organizations or wildlife sanctuaries that work with this species.
Yes, Giant African Land Snails are known to have periods of rest where they become less active, which can be considered similar to sleep. During these periods, they may retract into their shell or find a sheltered spot to rest.
The local library would be a good place to start looking for information, and also online where African Drumming carries a great deal of interesting facts. One could also try to find a local drumming group.
You would find useful information pertaining to researching old films about giant women online at the Scene-Stealers website. Once on the page, type "Giantesses" into the search field on the right side of the page and scroll to the bottom to the article titled "Top 10 Sexiest Screen Giantesses" to bring up an article with information about 10 different films featuring giant women.
Hubble Space Telescope. You can find information about the HST via the official HST website: