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Plants take in food from their roots, all plants do.

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Q: Where do plant take in food?
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What does food affect plant size?

Food effect the plant size in many ways that is if the plant can not take food that become sick and become dead.and also if the plant doesn't prepare it food then it doesn't release the oxygen which is needed for humans and not conserve carbon which is harmful to humans.

What happens if leaves of green plant are coated with oil?

The plant will not be able to take in sunlight and the plant will not be able to make food and die.

What do you understand by roughage in the animal food?

an indigestible cell wall of plant cell that animals take in as food.

What do the leaves do for a plant?

The leaves collect sunlight and turn it into food for the plant and so it can grow.The leaves take in the sunlight that the plants need to produce food or flowers ;creating energy

How do the parts of the plant help it make food?

the roots suck up nutrients the leaves contain chloroplasts which makes the plant photosynthesize (take energy from light and turn it into food).

How long does food coloring take to affect the plant?

it only takes about 1 day

When does the process of photosyntheis take place?

It takes place when sunlight makes food for the plant.

What do plant take in through tiny holes in their leaves that help them to make food?


What is the best plant food for grass?

The best plant food for grass is schultz plant food.

What will happen it you take leaves off a house plant?

The plant will die as little to no photosynthesis will take place, thus no food and no energy will be produced. The scene of photosynthesis is mostly on the leaves.

Why are chloroplast found in plant cells and not animal cells?

plant cells have chloroplast because it needs to store sunlight and to make food whereas human cells take energy from the food we eat