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The Mimosa, or the touch-me-not is grown as an ornamental plant. It lives in open and wide waste ground within tropical vegetation in its natural range.

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Q: Where do Mimosa trees grow in Canada?
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Will Mimosa trees grow in the Pacific Northwest?

The Mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin) also known as Silk Tree or Pink Siris will grow well in warm climates. Hope this helps! See the Related Links for "The Mimosa Tree" to the bottom for the answer.

What trees and plants grow in Canada?

maple trees grow in canada. also pine trees grow in canada. Also many fruit trees such as apple and pear.

Will mimosa trees grow in Ontario?

Mimosa trees (Albizia julibrissin) are not native to Ontario and may struggle to survive in its colder climate. They are more commonly grown in warmer regions. It is recommended to choose trees that are better suited to Ontario's climate to ensure successful growth.

Can you grow a mimosa tree in the desert?

Mimosa trees do not typically thrive in hot deserts with extreme temperatures and dry conditions. They prefer a more moderate climate with well-drained soil and regular watering. If you still want to attempt growing a mimosa tree in the desert, providing ample shade, frequent watering, and protection from extreme heat may improve its chances of survival.

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Can cherry blossom trees be grown in Canada?

cherry trees do grow in canada but your wrong about blossoms

Why do no trees grow in the district of Franklin Canada?

There are small trees in Franklin, Canada. However, the trees there are young trees that haven't grown to adult size.

Can apple trees grow in Canada's forests?

Apple trees do not grow well in ANY forest. They need sunlight to grow well.

Do mimosa trees need a lot of water?

No, mimosa trees do not need or requite a lot of water. The only time they should be watered manually is if there are dry periods.

Can you burn mimosa trees in fireplace?

Its wood isn't it

Where does a willow tree grow in Canada?

There are willow trees all over southern Canada.