When in doubt, the best time to prune is during or right after blooming. I like to prune during the blooming time because then I can bring the beautiful blooms into the house.
The rule is if it flowers before July prune after flowering.
If it flowers after July prune it the following Spring.
This works.
If you prune during blooming you will cut the flowers off.
Will my lavatera grow in a shady area under a large confer with acidic soil
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Lavatera trimestris.
You can prune it but the symmetrical shape that makes it attractive will be wrecked. If you do prune only tip prune.
Dogs trust website has list of poisonous plants to dogs and it says the Mallow species Lavatera is in large amounts digested. my dog eats the leaves every moment he gets. so plant will have to go as dog has liver problems diet not helping yet.
Prune is just another word for 'cutting' i.e you cut your hair but prune a plant. So prune is to cut shorter.
A plum or a prune
yes a prune is a dried plum
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Lavatera trimestris.
in telugu prune is :all behara :
'Prune' as noun in Hindi: 'sookhi hui ber' or 'jamun'. As verb: to prune - 'chhantna, anavashyak hissa hatana' or 'katna'.
A small variety of plum that dries into a prune.
Prune Escallonia in early Spring .