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Tips, care, and planting times on the Rose of Sharon.

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If you mean move from one place in the garden to another ..... at winter's end up to the point just before it puts out new spring leaves. (After the new leaves emerge, it's too late: these cannot be transplanted without loss). If you mean planting from a container-grown situation .... just about anytime you can get a shovel in the ground.

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12y ago
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13y ago

October is the month to dig up and transplant Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).

Specifically, fall generally is the time to transplant. The plant has time to become used to new surroundings. It does not have to deal with the drought and heat excesses of warmer weather. But it does need to be transplanted in a space that allows its roots to spread and to take in adequate amounts of dissolved nutrients.

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9y ago

Fall and spring are times to plant rose of Sharon shrubs. The woody plants in question (Hibiscus syriacus) bloom on new wood, from summer to fall. So it is best to plant and transplant in spring before the warm weather growth or in autumn after flowers fade and drop.

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13y ago

Fall is the best time to dig up a Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus).

Specifically, fall is a convenient time for any transplanting. It means the end of the active growing season for most plants. It signals the beginning of the dormant season. The transplanted Rose of Sharon, or any other plant, takes advantage of the entire winter to become adjusted to new surroundings without the stresses of heat, light and moisture of the growing season and warmer weather.

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17y ago

Azaleas can be transplanted from late autumn and through the winter months.

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15y ago

i dont know why would u ask that

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Q: When do you plant rose of Sharon bush?
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