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no it does not

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Q: When a twig of betula nigra is brokendoes it give off a wintergreen fragrance?
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Does a betula nigra give a wintergreen fragrance when broken?

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Betula Nigra

River birch Scientific name?

The scientific name for river birch is Betula nigra.

What is e scientific name for a river birch?

The scientific name for the river birch is Betula Nigra

How many different types of birch trees are in the world?

There are around 30 different species of birch trees in the world, with the most common being the Betula pendula (silver birch) and Betula nigra (river birch). Each species has unique characteristics such as bark texture, leaf shape, and size.

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Phallusia nigra was created in 1816.

What is the population of Castelnuovo Nigra?

The population of Castelnuovo Nigra is 424.

When was Hoplocorypha nigra created?

Hoplocorypha nigra was created in 1916.

When was Oxycanus nigra created?

Oxycanus nigra was created in 1956.

When was Ekemblemaria nigra created?

Ekemblemaria nigra was created in 1928.

When was Physocephala nigra created?

Physocephala nigra was created in 1776.