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Thes plants do not reproduce in the way that others do, the only way that they can make a new plant is by dispersal

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Q: What will happen to the ovary of plants that do not bear fruits?
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Do rose bear fruit?

No,not all flowering plants bear fruits but the reproduce by scatering seeds.

Do plants that do not bear flower bear fruits?

No , before they bear fruits , they must bear flowers .

Can a corn plant bear fruits?

Plants bear fruit for_.

Are fruit the only plants with seeds?

No, there are Gymnospermous plants which bear seeds with out fruits

Why can't all flowering plants bear fruit?

Plants have evolved in different ways. All plants bear 'fruits' or seeds. Some of these are edible, some not.

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Can tomato plant bear fruits twice?

Tomato plants are classified as determinate or indeterminate. Determinate plants will bear their fruit once at relatively the same time. Indeterminate will grow fruits throughout the growing season.

Can male flowers bear fruits?

None that I know of. If there are any, they are the exception rather than the rule. The female flowers have the ovary part which gets fertilized by the pollen from the male flower, and this ovary then enlarges to form a fruit.

Where are the seeds of flowering plants that do not bear fruits found?

All flowering plants produce fruits. Otherwise, if you know of a flowering plant like this, repost your question with its name.

Why is a maple tree an angiosperm?

A maple tree is an angiosperm because it produces seeds enclosed within fruits. Angiosperms are flowering plants that bear seeds within a protective ovary, which develops into a fruit. Maple trees produce seeds called 'samaras' that are encased in winged fruits, making them angiosperms.

Do ovaries of plants have buds in them?

The ovaries of plants usually have placenta and ovules. Sometimes under abnormal conditions of growth they may have another ovary inside which may also bear ovules.

Do gymnosperms belong to the angiosperm plant group?

No, gymnosperms do not belong to the angiosperm plant group. Gymnosperms are a separate group of seed-producing plants that bear naked seeds (not enclosed within an ovary), while angiosperms are flowering plants that produce seeds enclosed within an ovary (fruit).