All leguminous plants such as pea, pulses, beans etc, add nitrogen to the soil by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen in their root nodules due to the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria inside them such as Rhizobium.
Vegetables are primarily made out of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen, like all living things. They have a lot of magnesium (from chlorophyll), phosphorus (present in DNA and RNA), calcium, and various other elements as well.
Soaps made from vegetables are readily biodegradable and tend to have less phosphorous and nitrogen than cmmercially sourced soaps.
Cabbage like vegetables are Brassicas.
if i dont not like carrots then i do not like vegetables
vegetables like carrot
It doesn't. Nitrogen is odorless.
root vegetables are vegetables that grow in dirt. Green vegetables are like broccoli, spinach, or celery.
Chemoautotrophs like Nitrogen fixing bacteria
KaN fertilizer is Koch Advanced Nitrogen, and it is very good for keeping vegetables healthy. It helps them obtain nutrients by having over a third more nitrogen available.
Most children of any age seem not to like vegetables. I must have been a very boring child, I generally liked vegetables.
like seets and lollies have sugar vegetables have harrdly any