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Q: What type of inflorescence is in rose?
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What is cymose?

cymose inflorescence (cyme; definite inflorescence) A type of flowering shoot (see inflorescence) in which the first-formed flower develops from the growing region at the top of the flower stalk

What is the inflorescence type for a bunch of grapes?

This is more or less an invalid question; the configuration of fruit within a plant is referred to as an infructescence. I'm not sure what type of infructescence a bunch of grapes is, but the flowers are arranged in a panicle inflorescence.

What kind of inflorescence is gumamela?

Gumamela has a type of inflorescence known as a hibiscus or solitary terminal flower, meaning the flowers are large and showy, with a single flower emerging from the end of a stem.

What is a type of inflorescence characteristic of parsley fennel carrot dill?

The answer is umbel.

How does the type of inflorescence affect fruit type and fruit development?

The type of inflorescence can influence fruit type because it determines how flowers are arranged on a plant. Different inflorescence types can affect pollination dynamics, seed development, and fruit structure, leading to variations in fruit size, shape, and seed content. For example, plants with compound inflorescences, like those in the Asteraceae family, often produce fruit structures like achenes or cypselas.

What part of speech is inflorescence?

The word inflorescence is a noun. It is a flower cluster.

Inflorescence type of lilac?

The type of infloresence a lilac has is called a panicle. This means that lilacs have many flowers on a spike clustered together.

What is a type of inflorescence characteristic to plants such as parsley fennel wild fennel wild carrot and dill?

The type of inflorescence characteristic to plants such as parsley, fennel, wild fennel, wild carrot, and dill is called an umbel. An umbel is a cluster of flowers that are attached to the stem at the same point and appear to radiate from that point.

What is inflorescence?

Inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers on a plant. It refers to the structure that holds the flowers and can vary in form depending on the plant species. Examples of inflorescence types include racemes, spikes, panicles, and umbels.

What is a plant stalk bearing a solitary flower or inflorescence called?

Pedicel is the term that's used to refer to a stalk that has a solitary flower or an 'inflorescence'. An inflorescence is a cluster of flowers. The stalk to which the flower or inflorescence is attached in turn is attached to a stem that's called a 'peduncle'. The peduncle in turn is attached to a main branch that's called a 'rachis'.

What is the name of a group of flowers sharing common main stalk?

A group of flowers sharing a common main stalk is called an inflorescence.

What is the difference between racemose and cymose inflorescence?

The main difference between racemose and cymose inflorescence is the arrangement of flowers along the main axis. In racemose inflorescence, the flowers are arranged in an indeterminate manner, with the younger flowers at the apex. In cymose inflorescence, the flowers are arranged in a determinate manner, with the older flowers at the apex.