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Fertilizers are applied to the soil, not to the crop, so it would depend on the actual needs and comosition of the soil.

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Q: What type of fertilizer is applied to watermelons?
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What type of fertilizer is used in Mexico to grow watermelons?

human faeces

Can lawn fertilizer be applied during rain?

Can I apply lawn fertilizer after rain/

Can you mix lawn fertilizer and bug b gone together?

As long as the fertilizer does not contain another type of pest control (insect or weed) then the fertilizer can be applied right after the Bug B Gon. They should not be combined however as chances are the application rate of the fertilizer and the Bug B Gon will be different.

What will happen to the roots if too much fertilizer is applied?

That not enough fertilizer can be taken in is what happens to roots when too much fertilizer is applied.Specifically, more fertilizer can be applied than can be taken in by the roots. It is left present but inaccessible in the soil. It may damage and burn the roots.

What is plow down fertilizer?

Simply any fertilizer applied to the soil and then plowed under, as opposed to just blending the fertilizer into the top layer of soil.

Apply fertilizer before or after rain?

Fertilizer should be applied before rain. Fertilizer should always be watered into the soil or it can cause burning to the grass or plants.

What are the different types of watermelons?

watermelon is a type of melon, there are no different types of watermelons, but there are different types of melons, such as the honeydew melon

What do sunflowes need to grow?

Watermelons need: warm climate air water time energy right temperature space light or sunlight fertilizer

How Can You Speed Up the Growth of Watermelons?

Warmth, extra light getting to the fruit, high potash (potassium - K) fertiliser

What is basal dressing?

It is when fertilizer is applied before planting or at the time of ploughing

What fertilized needs for michelia Alba flower?

"Michelia Alba" likes natural ferilizer. Every two months in spring and summer, some organic fertilizer such as soy bean powder and bones blood meal should be applied. Some acid fertilizer may also be applied monthly. Winter is hte hibernation season and no fertilizer should be applied.

What is the density of granular fertilizer?

The density of granular fertilizer can vary depending on the type and composition of the fertilizer. On average, the density of granular fertilizer typically ranges from 40-80 lbs per cubic foot.