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Sugar cane was, and still is, the primary crop grown at Oak Alley Plantation.

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Q: What type of crops did they plant on the oak alley plantation?
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Plantation Farming

What does plantation agriculture mean?

The term plantation in relation to farming is informal, and not exactly defined. However, the type of farming will generally refer to growing crops on a large scale that are to be exported, with examples being coffee and tobacco.

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Plantations were typically specialized in monoculture crops such as sugar, cotton, tobacco, or rice. The type of crop grown depended on the location and climate of the plantation.

In the book Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH what type of crops did the Fitzgibbons plant?

read it your self i am not giving u the answer

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Southern plantation owners primarily used enslaved African labor on their farms. This system of forced labor was a key feature of the plantation economy in the antebellum South, where enslaved individuals were subjected to harsh working conditions and exploitation to produce cash crops like cotton, tobacco, and sugar.

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The kind of jobs they have in Costa Rica is to farm and plant crops or the work in an famliy business .

What type of farming practiced the southern colonies?

The southern colonies primarily practiced plantation farming, which focused on cash crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo. This type of farming required extensive labor, leading to the widespread use of enslaved Africans on plantations.

What type of crops did harriet Tubman plant?

I would say perhaps cotton or some other cash crops like tobacco or indigo. She did work in the house once, and that was how she got her life-long injury.

Which is the best type of soil for planting crops?

Loam soil is considered the best type of soil for planting crops because it has a balanced mix of sand, silt, and clay which provides good drainage, retention of moisture, and nutrients for plant growth.

What type of food did the Lakota grow?

lakota food was buffalo, deer, elk, and they also collected wild berries they did not fish or plant crops

Was slavery the same for everyone or did it vary according to area or plantation?

Slavery varied greatly from place to place and plantation to plantation. The amount of rights and freedoms a slave had depended on their master, as well as the severity of their punishments and general treatment. Also, the type of work they were expected to do varied depending on the type of plantation.