

Best Answer needs sunlight to live for the chloroplast to make food so yeah its an organism

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7y ago

Grass belongs to the Eukaryota domain and is in the Plant kingdom.

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3y ago

it is anmials

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Q: What type is organism is grass?
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What type of organism is the grass?


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Organism that make it's own food?

Autotrophs are organisms that can produce their own food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. They use energy from sunlight or chemicals to convert inorganic substances into organic compounds, such as carbohydrates. Examples of autotrophs include plants, algae, and some bacteria.

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Is bunchgrass living or nonliving?

It is grass! Grass is a living organism (until it dies).

If the number of decomposers in an ecosystem suddenly decreases which type of organism will be affected?

I think it will be the primary consumers since they cant eat any grass?

What symbiotic relationship does Paddle Grass aka Halophila ovalis which is a type of seagrass have with any organism in its ecosystem pleaseeee answer properly i need this urgently pleaseee thanks?

Paddle Grass, like other seagrasses, forms a mutualistic relationship with certain species of epiphytic algae. The epiphytic algae benefit from the structure provided by the seagrass leaves for attachment and access to sunlight, while the seagrass benefits from the algae's photosynthetic activity, which provides additional nutrients and oxygen to the plant. This mutualism is essential for the health and productivity of seagrass ecosystems.

What organism is a producer A. grasshopper B. raccoon C. grass D frog?

C. grass

What is the symbiotic relationship between the Longhorn and grass?

The Longhorn beetle and grass have a symbiotic relationship where the beetle feeds on the grass, helping to maintain its health by preventing overgrowth. In return, the grass provides the beetle with a food source and habitat for shelter and reproduction. This relationship benefits both species by ensuring a balanced ecosystem.

Is grass made up of cells?

No, grass is a multicellular organism.

What type of Pokemon is torterra?

Torterra is a Grass and Ground type pokemon.

What organism do deer feed on?

Shrubs, grass, trees, etc.