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"I retain my needles all year long. I am a coniferous" - Biology

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Q: What trees have needle like leaves that produce food all year long?
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Where do apple trees make their food?

Apple trees make their food through photosynthesis, a process that occurs in their leaves. Chlorophyll in the leaves absorbs sunlight, which is then used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose (sugar) and oxygen. This process provides the tree with the energy it needs to grow and produce apples.

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Why do you think that Tiaga ecosystem are home to evergreen trees?

Taiga ecosystems are home to evergreen trees like conifers because these trees have adapted to the cold and harsh conditions of the taiga. Their needle-like leaves reduce surface area and water loss, allowing them to conserve energy and survive long winters. Additionally, evergreen trees are able to photosynthesize and produce food year-round, giving them a competitive advantage in the taiga environment.

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Trees, they use photosynthesis to produce their own food.

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Why do trees lose their leaves in autumn?

trees make food during the summer from the sunlight they trap through the leaves and turn it into food, this is called photosynthesis but due to lack of sunlight during the winter, the trees store just the right amount of food to maintain the branches and the trunk but not the leaves so to save on food supply, the trees loose their leaves

What food do trees produce?

Trees produce fruits such as apples, oranges, and pears.

How do giraffes eat food?

Giraffes chew leaves from tall trees as food.

What do trees produce?

Trees produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. They also provide food, shelter, and support for various animals and insects. In addition, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and help regulate the climate.

What is the grasshoppers food source?

grass and leaves from trees and bushes

What could you use out of the rainforest?

Trees,birds[food], leaves

Why are most plants green because their leaves produce?

The leaves have chlorophyll in them which helps produce sugar/food for photosynthesis I think...