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Q: What tree would have bark most favorably suited for the light colored moth enabling it to blend in with its surroundings?
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I'm assuming that you're talking about Lipids. It separates the cell from its surroundings and acts as a barrier.

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light colored to reflect sunlight and ridged to dissipate heat

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An organism's adaptations help it survive by enabling it to better cope with its environment, such as obtaining food, avoiding predators, or withstanding harsh conditions. These adaptations are a result of natural selection, where individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their traits to offspring. Over time, this process leads to populations becoming better suited to their habitats.

What is an organisms that suited to its environment?

An organism that is suited to its environment exhibits traits and characteristics that help it thrive in its surroundings. These traits could include adaptations like camouflage, protective coloration, mimicry, or specialized body structures that aid in survival, reproduction, or obtaining resources. Overall, an organism that is well-suited to its environment is able to effectively compete for resources, evade predators, and successfully reproduce, ensuring its continued survival.

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Blowfish are typically found in coral reefs or rocky areas in warm, tropical waters. These biomes provide ample food sources and shelter for blowfish to thrive. They are well-suited to these environments due to their ability to blend in with their surroundings and find suitable hiding spots among the corals or rocks.

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Adaptation is the process by which organisms become better suited to their environment over time. This process demonstrates the way in which organisms evolve to survive and reproduce in their specific surroundings. By studying how organisms adapt to changes in their environment, scientists can gather evidence to support the theory of evolution.

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The first African-American woman to serve in Congress, Shirley Chisholm of New York, won election in 1968; 25 African-American women have followed her.Source: Women in congress