Japanese Empress Tree or Paulownia tomentosa
Perhaps you are speaking of the mimosa tree. It has delicate pink tendril like flowers and pole bean pods in the fall with seeds in them.
Does bean plant produces seeds in long pods
Neither. A green bean is the whole bean. The pods inside the bean are not beans, they are pods, and they are what give the bean its distinctive flavour.
Cocoa beans grow in pods that grow from the trunk and branches of the cocoa tree.
Yes, when a bean plant produces seeds in long pods, it is a form of reproduction known as sexual reproduction. Pollination of flowers leads to the development of seeds within the pods, which can then be dispersed to grow new bean plants.
Many trees have pods. Trees that belong to the Fabaceae (or Leguminosae) family, produce bean-pod like fruit. For example: Gledistia triacanthos -- honey locust Acacia pravissima , -- Ovens Wattle ,
about 25 to 26
No, they are pods that grow on vines.
The long bean pods of the pacay (Inga feullei) or ice-cream-bean tree, can be dried into a rattle, used like maracas.Gourds and coconuts are also the basis for some native drums.
(This answer assumes the question is about the "Cocoa" bean from which Chocolate is made.) The Cocoa bean is the seed of the Cacao tree. Cacao trees may be grown from a single seed (that is, Cocoa bean), however in practice they are often propagated from a "cutting" to control the genetic heritage of the plant. (Cocoa beans are found in "Pods", that grow from the trunk of the tree, containing many beans or seeds. It is not necessary to plant a whole pod to get a tree.)
The tree you're referring to is likely the Catalpa tree. It is known for its large green seed pods that can resemble large beans or baseballs, often measuring around 5-12 inches in length. These pods can persist on the tree during the winter months.