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Q: What side lapel do you wear carnations?
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Related questions

What side lapel do you wear flower?

Usually on the right lapel.

Which side does men wear a lapel Pin?

On the left side, always

What side is the president supposed to wear his lapel pin on?

It should be worn over his heart.

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What is the correct side to wear a poppy?

The correct way to wear a poppy is to pin it to the left collar area. If the article of clothing being worn does not have a collar, it should be worn on the left lapel area.

What flower do people traditiosally wear on mothers day?

People traditionally wear red carnations on Mother's Day. If the carnations are red, they signify admiration. Pink ones mean gratitude and love. Also, it is traditional to wear white carnations if the mother is not alive.

What did William McKinley always wear in his lapel for good luck?

wore a red carnation in his lapel for good luck

What side of your jacket do you wear your MBE Medal?

On the left and closer to the lapel than any other lower order (campaign, jubilee etc) medals.

Where do you put a lapel pin on a man's dress jacket?

left side lapel above notch

Can you wear multiple lapel pins?

This is more of a fashion-oriented question. When it comes to politicians, I would say no. Politicians are to wear one lapel pin: the American Flag.

What is the lapel pin worn by Eddie mcguire?

Order of Australia lapel pin. From wiki- “a gold lapel pin for daily wear is issued with each badge of the order at the time of investiture; AK/ADand AC lapel pins feature a citrine central jewel, AO and AM lapel pins have a blue enamelled centre and OAM lapel pins are plain.”

Does Senator Obama wear the flag pin on his lapel?

He wears a US flag lapel pin. Please note that lapel pins do not make one more or less patriotic.