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a tap root is the main root ,a lateral root extends horizontally and they say it develops into a fibrous root.

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Q: What root system between the fibrous and taproot would make the best ground cover?
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Does a cottonwood tree have a taproot or fibrous root?

acacia is a taproot

Does rosemary have a fibrous root?

Rosemary has a fibrous root system. This is because there are multiple roots that anchor it to the ground. Also there is no major root (taproot).

What is the difference between a taproot and a fibrous root and a main root?

What Is The Difference Between TapRoot And Fibrous Root? Tap rootgives the support to the plant and fibrous rootsearch the water and mineral salts in the ground. A main root is a tap root.

What are the two types of root systems are?

There are two types of root systems. taproot system and the fibrous root system.

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# taproot # fibrous

Is Paddy fibrous or taproot?

Paddy is neither fibrous nor taproot. Paddy is a type of rice plant that grows in flooded fields and has a shallow, fibrous root system.

Does grass have a taproot system?

Grass typically does not have a taproot system. Instead, it has a fibrous root system that spreads out horizontally close to the soil surface.

What are two types of roots system?

There are two types of root systems. taproot system and the fibrous root system.

Is lavender a taproot or fibrous root?

Bamboo has an adventitious root system

Is beet taproot of fibrous?

fibrous root if this is not correct try google or wikipedia

Do Daffodils have fibrous roots or a taproot?

Daffodils have fibrous roots. These roots are fine and thread-like, spreading out in various directions to absorb water and nutrients from the soil.

What type of root system does the Jasmine plant have?

Jasmine has a Fibrous Root System. Godspeed.