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There are many products that come directly from sunflowers.

Some of these include:

  • Raw or roasted sunflower whole seed as a snack food with or without seasoning
  • Butter - similar to peanut butter, it is called sunflower butter
  • German sunflower whole seed breaed
  • Bird food - either alone or in combination with other seeds
  • Shelled seeds can be used in salads.
  • Sunflower oil is used in cooking, margrine, biodiesel and other products
  • Native American uses: bread, medical ointments, dyes, body paint
  • "Cake" left over from oil processing is fed to livestock
  • Ornamental plants for home gardens use also to attract seed-loving birds
  • Sunflowers produce latex - may be used to produce nonallergic rubber (gloves)
  • They have been used in phytoermediation to extract harmful items from soil
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11y ago
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11y ago

Products made from sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) include the following:

  • Seeds - as a food used raw, baked, roasted, salted or not salted.
  • Seeds - can be used for feeding seed-eating birds.
  • Seeds - can be made into butter (like peanut butter) or made into bread.
  • Seeds - oil is extracted for cooking, margarine and biodiesel.
  • Seeds - when oil is extracted, the remaining "cake" can be used for cattle food.
  • Flower - ornamental plant for flower or vegetable gardens.
  • Plant - produces latex and may be source for nonallergenic rubber.
  • Stem - contains a fiber that can be used in paper production.
  • Leaves - can be used for cattle feed.
  • Roots - used in phytoremediation to extract poisons from the soil.
  • Native tribes also used the sunflower as a medicinal ointment.
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Does sunflower seeds contain magnesium or sodium?

Sunflower seeds contain both magnesium and sodium.

Do sunflower seeds have iron?

Sunflower seeds are rich in iron. Two pounds of sunflower seeds contain about 21 milligrams of iron.

What are sunflower products?

sunflower oil (cooking), seeds (eating)

When were sunflower seeds invented?

They were never "invented". Sunflower seeds are just that, sunflower seeds. Seeds that contain the genetic makeup up sunflowers that will then germinate in the soil to become a sunflower which will make more sunflower seeds. The question "When did people begin eating sunflower seeds?" is another topic

What are some sunflower products?

sunflower oil (cooking), seeds (eating)

Do sunflower seeds contain caffeine?

No. They do contain many healthy nutrients, though.

Can you be addicted to sunflower seeds?

Sunflower seeds contain no psychoactive components, so it is unlikely. As with almost any activity (such as gambling), if eating sunflower seeds is thrilling to you, you could be addicted to them.

Do sunflower seeds come from sunflower?

Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds.

What is a breakfast food that may contain sunflower seeds?

If you finding a breakfast food with sunflower seeds and that should be a healthy and spicy then you should try 'Breakfast barley with banana and sunflower seeds'. Hope you love it.

Is sunflower seeds kosher for Passover?

It is possible to get sunflower seeds and products made from sunflower seeds, such as oil, that are hechshered kosher l'Pesach. However, all of these products are considered kitniyot and therefore, the majority of Ashkenazi Jews will not eat them.

What are the best selling products in Russia?

wood, sunflower seeds,and military products

Can rabbits eat sun flower seeds?

They can indeed. However sunflower seeds contain a high proportion of oil, so if the rabbit eats a lot of sunflower seeds they will get quite fat.