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The ovary is the container for the ovules, and it becomes the fruit.

Specifically, the ovary is the source of the ovules. The ovules turn into seeds. The ovary will become the plant's fruit.

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Q: What part of the plant contains the ovules and becomes the fruit?
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What do ovules turn into?

A plant's ovule does not turn into a plant's fruit.Specifically, the ovary produces the ovule. Ovules turn into the plant's seeds. The ovary will become the plant's fruit.

Which part of plant changes into a fruit?

The ovary of a flower develops into a fruit after fertilization. The ovary contains the ovules which, once fertilized, develop into seeds, and the surrounding ovary wall becomes the fruit.

What do the ovaries and the ovules became after fertilisation?

After fertilization, the ovary develops into a fruit, which contains the seeds formed from the fertilized ovules. The ovules themselves develop into seeds, which contain the embryo formed from the fusion of the male and female gametes.

What will happen if the ovules were removed?

If the ovules are removed from a flower, the plant cannot bear a fruit.

What fruit starts out as a flower?

first of all the only thing that becomes a fruit is the ovary. When the ovule in the ovary become fertilized the ovary will start being filled with excess sugars until it becomes a fruit. the ovules become the seeds.

What is a mature ovary of a flowering plant called?

A mature ovary of a flowering plant is called a fruit.

What is the name given to mature fertilized plant ovules?

The name given to mature fertilized plant ovules is seeds. Seeds contain the embryo of the future plant along with a food source necessary for its initial growth.

Which part of the plant contains the ovule?

You can find the ovules in the ovary, which is situated in the flowering organ of the plant

What does pistil do in a plant?

It supports the developing ovules inside it.

What part of a plant produces the seeds?

Seeds form from ovules in the ovary of the plant. In fruit-bearing plants, the fruit develops around the ovule as the fertilized seeds develop. Other plants form seed pods or kernels for the same purpose, which is to enclose the seeds.

What is the job of a ovary in a plant?

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What part of a plant parts form the seeds?

The ovules, located within the ovary of a flower, develop into seeds after fertilization. Each ovule contains an egg cell that, when fertilized by pollen, develops into a seed.