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Q: What pH do daffodils like to grow in?
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Do daffodils grow in Europe?

Yes, daffodils grow in Europe.

Do daffodils grow well in Miracle Grow?

Yes, daffodils can grow very well in Miracle Grow. The Daffodils that are grown in Miracle Grow are much larger than others.

Do daffodils grow from seeds bulbs or corms?

Daffodils grow from bulbs. Daffodils are spring blooming flowers. They will bloom early in the season, around the same time that tulips bloom.

Where in the world do daffodils grow?

ther grow in wales and porw

What kind of habitat do daffodils live in?

Daffodils grow anywhere you plant the bulbs.

Do daffodils need seeds to grow?

Yes they do -Anonymous

Do all plants grow from seed?

No, not all plants grow from seeds. Some plants can be propagated through methods like cuttings, division, or grafting.

Does a daffodil comes from a bulb?

Yes, daffodils grow from bulbs. Planting bulbs in the autumn allows the plant to establish its roots before sprouting in the spring.

Would sandy soil help grow daffodils better?

Soil that retains water and gives daffodils "wet feet" will cause bulb rot and the plants/bulbs will die. Sandy soil is well drained and slightly acidic and that is a favorite of daffodils. Sandy soil will also make for slightly taller daffodils, which are preferred if you like cut flowers.

Where is it possible to see blooming daffodils in the wild?

There are many wild daffodils that grow in the south. Basically, they are cultivated daffodils that escaped gardens and naturalized over a period of many years. They grow in pastures, ditches, in sweeps under trees, and anywhere their foliage can remain undisturbed by mowers.

What Daffodils lilies and tulips are different types of?

All grow from bulbs.

What are examples of plants that grow from bulbs?

Daffodils. Tulips. Onions. Garlic