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the orchid that is included in the nitrogen solfate that includes the lol pop candy shop

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Q: What nitrogen compound is absorbed from the soil by plants?
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How do animal obtain nitrogen?

Animals obtain nitrogen by eating plants which have absorbed nitrogen from the soil.

How do plants get nitrogen from the soil?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules on plant roots (legume plants; beans, peas, alfalfa) convert nitrogen in the air (ammonia) to nitrites then nitrates which is then absorbed by plants through their roots.

How does nitrogen in the soil move into a cow?

Nitrogen in the soil is taken up by plants through their roots. When a cow consumes the plants, it ingests the nitrogen present in the plant material. Through the process of digestion, the nitrogen is absorbed by the cow's body.

How do plants get nitrogen?

Plants primarily get nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrates and ammonium. These compounds are absorbed through the plant's roots and used to build proteins and nucleic acids necessary for growth and development. Some plants also have mutualistic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for the plants.

Where does plants get nitrogen?

Plants get nitrogen primarily from the soil, where it is absorbed by the plant's roots either in the form of nitrate ions (NO3-) or ammonium ions (NH4+). These nitrogen compounds are either naturally present in the soil or added through fertilizers. Some plants, like legumes, also have a symbiotic relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that can convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form usable by the plant.

How does nitrogen get out of soil?

Nitrogen can leave the soil through processes such as denitrification, leaching, and plant uptake. Denitrification converts nitrates in the soil into nitrogen gas, which then escapes into the atmosphere. Leaching involves nitrogen moving with water through the soil and eventually reaching groundwater or surface water. Plants take up nitrogen from the soil to use for growth and development.

What is meant by nitrogen fixation state two ways in which nitrogen gas of the atmosphere can be fixed in nature to get nitrogen compound in the soil?

Nitrogen fixation is the process by which nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is converted into nitrogen compounds that plants can use. This can occur through biological nitrogen fixation, where certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas into ammonia, and through abiotic processes like lightning strikes, which convert nitrogen gas into nitrogen oxides that can be absorbed by rain and deposited in the soil.

Two ways by which plants get nitrogen compounds?

Plants obtain nitrogen compounds through the uptake of nitrate and ammonium ions from the soil through their root systems. Additionally, some plants have symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria that convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that can be used by the plants.

When there is not enough nitrogen in the atmosphere for plants how do the plants get it?

Plants can obtain nitrogen from the soil through their roots. They form symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the soil, which convert atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can use. Additionally, decaying organic matter in the soil releases nitrogen that plants can absorb.

What form do plants take nitrogen from soil?

Plants primarily take up nitrogen from the soil in the form of nitrate (NO3-) and ammonium (NH4+). These forms of nitrogen are absorbed by the plant's roots and then utilized for various biological processes such as growth and development.

How do you add organic nitrogen?

There are nitrogen fixing plants, such as legumes, that will add nitrogen to the soil naturally. When these plants die, they release nitrogen into the soil, making it available for other plants.

What is the name of the process in which bacteria and lightning convert nitrogen into compounds that are useful to plants?

The process is called nitrogen fixation. Bacteria in the soil convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, which plants can then use as a nutrient. Lightning can also contribute to this process by converting nitrogen gas into nitrates that can be absorbed by plants.