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WestWood M.G. 13

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Q: What makes a sensitive plant a very unusual type of plant?
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What makes a sensitive plant a very usual type of plant?

i need hoe's

What type of a plant is a touch you not plant?

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What is a type of plant that makes seeds within flowers?

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What type of plant makes its own food?

an autotroph

What is the name for a type of plant that makes its own food?


What type of water makes a plant grow the fastest?

Fresh water.

What type of water makes a plant grows?

...water. the best type is either natural or vitamin enhanced.

What type of birds build unusual homes?

unusual ones

Is the cactus an unusual plant?

Yes, the cactus is an unusual plant. It tends to be grouped into two broad categories that are based on the biome in which it's found. One group is that of the desert cactus. This group is unusual for its successful survival in the harsh, extreme environment of strong sunlight and little moisture. The other group is that of the jungle cactus. This group is unusual for its successful survival in the enervating environment of much moisture and little direct sunlight.

What is a type of plant that makes seeds inside a cone?

A type of plant that makes seeds inside a cone is a conifer, such as a pine, fir, or spruce tree. Conifers produce cones that contain their seeds, which are released when the cone matures and opens.

Are quasars the most unusual type of active galaxy?

Quasars are the unusual type of active galaxy in the universe.

What is a missletoe?

It is a type of leaf/plant that makes people believe that when you are under it, you kiss.