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Nick Rodgers

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Q: What looks like a tiny pine tree?
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What are two differences between a pine tree and a staghorn fern?

The fern looks like a plant when the pine tree looks like a normal tree? (I don't weather its correct)

What does a banana tree look like in lpso?

it looks like an ordinary tree. (not a pine tree) nothing like a bananna tree in real life.

What does Cedar wood look like?

Depends on the tree. Most people think of cedar as the tree that looks similar to pine, but with blueish coloured berries and the leaves are not needles. The said tree is cedar, but not called as such. The said tree is actually called Juniper. Cedar is actually the collective name for most evergreen trees, including Pine. As for what it looks like, the wood of the common cedar tree (technically called the Juniper Tree) when cut, reddish center surrounded by an off-white "mantle." This "mantle" is then surrounded by bark that looks similar to a pine tree.

What is a bonzai?

If you mean a bonzai tree then it means that it is is tiny little tree that looks just like a full grown one

What pine tree looses needles and looks like a cascading umbrella?

an american north pine redwood octopus eating a mammal fried chicken= 2+2

What does christmas smell like?

like a pine tree covered in cinnamon and happiness

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the african welwitchsia looks like a tiny tree, about 5 feet tall

What does a tree porcupine look like?

Like sweet rabbits with DEADLY SPIKES! Touch at your own risk.

Is the Sequoia tree a pine tree?

Sequoia tree also belong to Coniferales like Pine tree hence both have cones as reproductive structures.

What is the name of the flower that can be red or yellow or orange and looks like a little pine tree?

I think they're called castles, and they come in pink too.

What do you call a tree that bears cones like a pine tree?

A Conifer

What is the state tree of Maine?

=== === The white pine tree was designated the official tree of the state of Maine by Senate Resolve No. 381, effective July 21, 1945The Eastern White Pine.