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What KINGDOM is it from? Did you think it was maybe an animal? It's a plant, so it comes from Plantae, of course.

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Q: What kingdom does the gum tree come from?
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Related questions

What did chewing gum originally come from?

Gum was originally derived from natural sources such as tree resins and saps

Is a eucalyptus tree a gum tree?

A Eucalyptus tree is exactly the same as a Gum tree.

What group is the scribbly gum tree in?

The scribbly gum is a eucalyptus tree.

When was Gum Tree Canoe created?

Gum Tree Canoe was created in 1978.

What is another name for a gum tree?

The gum tree is mostly native to Australia. Yes, there is another name for the gum tree; it is Eucalyptus.

Is gum made out of tree sap?

More on the yes side. Gum has tree resin in it, tree resin is what makes it stretchy. If you put more of it in regular gum, you get bubble gum!

Why does the bark come off of sweet gum tree branches?

It splits off as the tree is growing. The bark is thin and can't withstand the growth of the tree, so it comes off.

What tree is used to make gum?

Despite its name, no species of gum tree, or eucalyptus, is used in making gum. The "Chewing Gum tree" is the nickname for the Sapodilla tree, which is native to Central and South America. Chewing gum is made from a thick, milky, latex juice called "chicle" which is extracted from the sap of the sapodilla tree.

Is gum tree a flowering tree?


What are gumtrees in terms of gum and trees?

A gum tree is a type of eucalyptus tree. These are usually located in Australia. They are known for their strong smelling leaves and sticky "Gum" that comes from the bark of the tree.

Is a macaroni tree made out of real macaroni?

Yes, and gum tree's are made of chewed up gum

What does scout come home with that she did not have before where did it come from?

Scout comes home with a rolled piece of gum that she found in the knothole of the tree at the Radley place. It is believed that the gum is left by Boo Radley.