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Venus Flytraps should constantly be in poor, moist soil. I use New Zealand Long Fibered Sphagnum Moss, as it can hold 20 times its weight in water (It's like a big sponge!) Distilled water, with no additives, or carefully purified water from home is good. Collecting rainwater isn't a bad idea, either.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Yes. All plants need water. Except that the Venus Flytrap requires its soil to be constantly moist. Or it dies. If you read any Venus Flytrap care files, it will advise this because the roots are delicate, and the plant needs 'purified water.' (Eg rainwater)

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11y ago

A Venus Flytrap is used to a warm/hot climate so make sure it doesn't get any frost. I suggest you use it as an indoor pot plant but it is very versatile and can grow in just about any climate.

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11y ago

Your Venus Flytrap should be implanted in moist soil. Whenever this soil looks/feels dry, it needs watering. The amount of water it needs depends on whether its soil is dry or not.

Tip: You shouldn't pour water over your plant, because it goes right through the vase. You should always have water in the cup below your vase so your plant can drink whenever it wants.

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11y ago

The Venus Flytrap requires moist, damp soil. The average garden soil is not mandatory and should not be used for the Flytrap if you wish it to live a long, healthy life. Special soil can be bought from selected retailers however speaking to someone at your local Garden Centre is probably the best option open to you.

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12y ago

Yes, venus flytraps need water like any other plants.

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14y ago

From its roots, as most plants do.

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Q: What kind of water does your Venus Flytrap need?
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What food does a Venus Flytrap need to survive?

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What type of water does a Venus Flytrap need?

Ionized water. I used to have a bunch of carnivorous plants and I had to buy jugs of distilled water to feed them. DO NOT feed them tap water! It can kill them.

What does a Venus Flytrap eat and drink?

They will just need plenty of water and sunlight. But they do eat little small gnats that are in thier soil.

Do you need to feed a Venus Flytrap?

Unless there is a shortage of flies, or it looks like it is dying, you do not need to feed a Venus Flytrap for it to survive.

What experiment could you do to find out if Venus flytrap plants need to digest flies to grow?

figure it out your self

What is the Venus Flytrap's skeletal system?

The Venus Flytrap is a plant and so does not have a skeleton in the usual sense that we think of, that is bones. Plant cells have cellulose in their cell walls which allow them to form rigid structures and stand without the need for an internal skeleton.

Can you have a venus flytrap as a pet?

In many ways, yes. They are easy to take care of with a fair need of sunlight and water. It can be a good outdoor plant because without insects, it dies.

Why do venus flytrap need to eat inscects?

The plant grows in poor soil so needs nutrients from elsewhere

What does a Venus Flytrap have that lures insects to them?

A Venus Flytrap needs insects in order to survive like any other plant. As they typically grow in a boggy environment with few nutrients, insects are the best way for the Venus Flytrap to survive and feed on.

The leaves on a Venus Flytrap close when touch what is this an example of?

I do not think that it has a specific name for only that. I am not a plant professional but I can tell you that number one; they aren't leaves and number two; It should only be called "the head of the Venus Flytrap closing". It also does not need a capital V since it is not the name of a planet, but the name of a plant (Venus).