A really bad learning environment is where if you are studying along with friends, but they are not doing the same thing as you are, which is studying. often times, that can do many things that can really distract you!
its kind of really bad drugs
nothing really because its really better dor the environment because i is powered by the sun and it doesn't waste electricity but the bad part is if the sun goes down we won't have electricity probably but it protects the environment!!!
They had a really bad one
The United States Environmental Protection Agensy is really bad
The United States Environmental Protection Agensy is really bad
Pro: Fast, safe. Con: Really bad for the environment.
nothing really because its really better dor the environment because i is powered by the sun and it doesn't waste electricity but the bad part is if the sun goes down we won't have electricity probably but it protects the environment!!!
Well, not really. It actually depends on how you are using it.
vandalism is bad because it shows how we really care about the environment and shows how your house maybe and puts an bad influence on younger kids
a really bad childhood that no one wants to hear bout cause its really sad
Bad coil, bad connection, improper voltage. It really depends on the kind of relay you're talking about