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BOTANIST On the natural side of things, there are a number of plant science and plant management jobs.Commercially, botanists can work with geneticists to produce new breeds of crops with favorable characteristics. Botanists could also work in greenhouses for science, industry, or retail sales.

Botanist can work in pharmaceuticals to make new medicines with less side effects. they can help the ayurvedi doctors and students in their researc They can join forest department.

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14y ago

no, botanists do classification and taxonomy, horticulturists do garden work :)

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a botanist can work on prehistoric plants such as mushrooms that have been frozen in ice for thousands of years OR they can just be a regular old person working on plants in a lab. there are many jobs a botanist can have. Archeologist Botanists work with carbon dating plants. Carbon dating is a procedure used to find the age of an item. It's easily don with plants.

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