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Herrick's "To Daffodils" is a revival of the genre carpe diem. This genre's message is that life is short, and world is beautiful, love is splendid and we must use the short time we live to make the most of it. This is shown in the words "haste", "run", "short" and "quick".

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In first stanza poet compared him with clouds , likes clouds move here & there lonely ,with out any reason .I walk through the hills then I saw a crowd of golden daffodils .I feel that ones who wolcome me. These flowers are near the water & down the tree .these flowres dancing in the breeze.

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Q: What is the summary of the poem 'To Daffodils' by Robert Herrick?
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This is clearly homework and Wiki won't help you cheat. You need to read the poem and write the summary. So, it is time to get to work. So the answer is yes, you can have a summary of that poem if you do the work!

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