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Q: What is the renewable energy from harvesting plants for burning?
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Which of these energy sources is most closely related to the harvesting of a corn crop?

Bioenergy is most closely related to the harvesting of a corn crop. Corn can be processed into biofuels like ethanol, making it a renewable energy source derived from plants.

What is biomass production?

Biomass production refers to the process of growing and harvesting organic materials like plants or crops to be used as a source of energy. These materials can be converted into biofuels, such as ethanol or biodiesel, through processes like fermentation or combustion. Biomass production is considered a renewable energy source as the organic materials can be regrown.

How is plants and animals renewable source of energy?

it is not renewable

Is sugar alcohol a renewable energy?

Yes, the sugar is made from growing plants and the energy is therefore sunlight which, in growing plants is renewable.

Is a renewable from energy that comes from plants?


Is electricity non renewable or renewable?

Sources of energy are termed renewable and non-renewable. Electricity can come from many sources including power plants, wind farms, hydroelectric plants and solar panels. Power plants that burn fossil fuels are using non-renewable fuel sources, but energy from solar panels use renewable energy. A power plant can use biofuels, which are renewable.

Why is renewable energy better for the society than non renewable energy?

Renewable energy means using the power of the sun, or the wind, or the movement of water in rivers and oceans to generate power. Once these power plants are established there are no emissions of carbon dioxide or any other pollutants. Non-renewable energy (from burning coal, oil and natural gas, mostly) releases vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere increasing our greenhouse gases and contributing to global warming and climate change. So renewable energy is much better for society than non-renewable energy.

What are renewable and non renewable resources in Maryland?

renewable: forest, plants, Chesapeake Bay, wind energy, cow, crabs and solar panels

What is water energy?

You're probably referring to energy generated by harvesting the flow of water via hydroelectric power plants and the such.

What is a short definition of biomass energy?

Biomass energy is renewable energy derived from organic materials such as plants, wood, and animal waste. This energy source can be converted into power, heat, or biofuels through processes like combustion, gasification, or anaerobic digestion.

How is biomas energy utilized?

Biomass energy is utilized by burning organic materials like wood, agricultural residues, or municipal solid waste to produce heat or electricity. This energy can also be converted into biofuels like ethanol or biodiesel for use in transportation. Biomass energy is considered renewable because it comes from plants and organic waste that can be regrown or replenished.

Where does nuclear energy come from to make renewable energy work?

Nuclear energy is not considered a renewable energy source because it relies on the fission of uranium atoms, which is a finite resource. However, nuclear power plants can help support renewable energy sources by providing a baseload of constant power that can complement intermittent sources like wind and solar.