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'les Pays-Bas' or 'la Hollande' (widely used but not really correct since Holland is only a region of Netherlands)

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Q: What is the french name for Netherlands?
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Netherlands and Belgium their name in French?

Netherlands are called "les Pays-Bas" and Belgium is called "la Belgique" in French.

What is the French name for the Dutch Republic the former Holland?

the official French name for Netherlands is 'les Pays-Bas'. The unofficial, and commonly used name is 'la Hollande'.

What is the French word for 'Netherlands'?

The French word for 'Netherlands' is 'Pays-Bas.'Pays-Bas

How do you write Netherlands in french?

Netherlands => Pays-bas

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What is Netherlands in French?


How do you spell Netherlands in French?

Netherlands is 'les Pays-Bas' in French. In common conversation, they are most often referred to as 'la Hollande'.

What country did Suriname win its independence from?

The Netherlands, It was a former Dutch Colony though the name sounds French, there may have been a French Suriname also, but the main land was Dutch.

Was New Netherlands' native language French?

No. The official language of New Netherlands was Dutch since the colony was administered by the Netherlands.

Are Dutch and Netherlands the same thing?

No. The Netherlands is the name of a country. Dutch is the language of and also anything from the Netherlands.

How did mauritius get its name?

Mauritius is named after Prince Maurice of Nassau in the Netherlands. The French changed the name to Ile de France (Island of France in french) but when the British gained control, they changed it back to the Dutch name and anglicized it to Mauritius. The island kept the name after independence, which is rare, and it is the same name today. Although it is Mauritius in English, in French and in Dutch the name is still Maurice. (sometimes called Ile de Maurice in French)

What is Netherlands most common food?

French fries.