Poinsettia is the common name of the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima).
Specifically, the common name is a made-up name. It is a combination of the last name "Poinsett" and the suffix "-ia." The name honors Joel Roberts Poinsettia (March 2, 1779 - December 2, 1851). Poinsett introduced the plant into the United States of America. Previously, the plant was known only to the indigenous inhabitants and Spanish-speaking settlers of southwestern Mexico.
Poinsettias are known by one scientific name and by a host of common names.
Specifically, the scientific name is "Euphorbia pulcherrima" ("Most beautiful spurge").
Some of the many common names include the following:
1. "Advent star" ("Adventsstern") in Germany;
2. "Alexandrine" or "Alexander's [flower" ("ΑλεξανδÃÂινÃÅ’") in Greece;
3. "Ataturk flower" ("Atatürk çiçeği") in Turkey, to honor Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (1881 - November 10, 1938) as modern Turkey's First President;
4. "Christmas Eve" ("Noche Buena") in Guatemala and Mexico;
5. "Christmas flower" ("Flor de Navidad") in Mexico;
6. "Christmas rose" ("Kerstroos") in the Netherlands;
7. "Christmas star" ("Stella di Natale") in Italy;
8. "Crown of the Andes" ("Corona de los Andes") in Chile and Peru;
9. "Easter flower" ("Flor de Pascua") in Spain;
10. "Federal star" ("Estrella federal") in Argentina;
11. "Flower of Holy Night" ("Flor de Nochebuena") in Guatemala and Mexico;
12. "Flower that grows in residues", "Flower that grows in soil" ("Cuitlaxochitl") in Mexico at the time of the Aztec Empire;
13. "Mexican flame leaf";
14. "Parrot's beak" ("Bico-de-papagaio") in Brazil;
15. "Shepherdess" ("Pastora") in Nicaragua;
16. "Winter rose."
Poinsettias originate from Mexico.
Thank you for watering my poinsettias.
There are two that I can think of off the top of my head; poinsettias and oleander. There is a huge (and much more comprehensive) list that can be found here: http://www.cfainc.org/articles/plants.html
From Mexico
Poinsettias originate from Mexico and Central America. There scientific name is Euphorbia Pulcherrima but are commonly know as poinsettas. They came to the United States in 1825, and were introduced by a Joel Roberts Poinsett who was the United States Minister to Mexico.
Poinsettias are called flores de nochebuena because they are flowers that are beautiful at night.
There are over 100 varieties of poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima). Specifically, poinsettias grow naturally as a perennial shrub. But they are known best as cultivated varieties grown as decorative additions to the end-of-the-year holidays. Cultivars (cultivated varieties) will have rather lengthy scientific, Latin or binomial names. Each name will include the poinsettia genus (Euphorbia), the poinsettia specific epithet or species (pulcherrima) and the name of the cultivar, such as Eckespoint 'Enduring Pink.'
Poinsettias represent purity, good cheer, and success. They are commonly associated with Christmas because of a Mexican legend about a poor girl who presented weeds as a gift to baby Jesus, which miraculously turned into poinsettias. This story has led to the tradition of using poinsettias as decorations during the Christmas season.
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