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Q: What is the color of the pollen released by pine trees?
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What does the color pine green mean?

a pine trees pine

What does pine green color indicates?

Pine trees

What is the color of the pine tree?

Pine trees are dark green when healthy

What are the seeds of a Christmas trees or pine trees called?

Pine trees have cones. There are male cones, which are smaller (about 1-5 cm), and female cones, which are larger (3-60 cm). The male cones contain pollen. The female cones have ovules, which become seeds when fertilized by pollen from a male cone.

What color are pine trees?

pine trees change color .in the spring they change to olive and chocolate colors! love brittney johnson at moutain view middle school in new hampshire.

How do you do a taxonomist experiment to see if two pine trees are of the same species?

A taxonomist could examine the pollen grains of both trees to look for specific differences. If the trees do not have pollen at this time a taxanomical experiment could involve taking DNA samples and comparing the results.

Is it safe to cook food over a gas fire pit?

no as it may be contaminated and give u sickness

Pine pollen is primarily disseminated by?

Pine pollen is primarily disseminated by wind. The lightweight nature of pine pollen allows it to be easily carried by the wind over long distances to reach female pine cones for fertilization.

Do pine trees have leafs?

No, Pine Trees have pine needles, not leaves

How do eucalyptus trees reproduce?

They reproduce using cones also known as seeds.Pine trees grow pine cones much like a flower grows blossoms. Inside the pine cone their are seeds that grow and mature. Then the cone falls off to the ground where it dries out. As it dries, the cone opens up so that the seeds can fall out. Birds and rodents grab some of the seeds and carry them a certain distance away. Little pine trees start where the seeds are on nice, moist soil.The seeds of some pine trees are called, "Pine nuts", and are edible and delicious. You can buy them at your grocery store.seeds are in the pine coneleafy gametes.A pine tree produces cones which contain the seed to produce further generations.

How do pine trees pollinate?

They are wind-pollinated. The anthers will release the pollen when the conditions are right, (usually about 2pm West-USA time) when the day is at it's warmest and the air at it's driest. Pollen is not released when it rains as rain has a devastating affect on pollination - it simply wipes the pollen out of the sky.

What is causing the yellow line around my swimming pool liner?

Humm, depending upon the season it could be pollen especially if you have pine trees near.