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Open space is the habitat of the Slender Ladies' Tresses Orchid (Spiranthes gracilis).

Specifically, this petite, slender wild orchid favors open, roomy spaces. It may be found in dry, rocky or sandy soils. It grows in grassy fields, meadows, open woods, pastures, roadsides and thickets.

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13y ago

Open, moist spaces and woods are the habitat of Common Ladies' Tresses (Spiranthes cernua).

Specifically, the wild orchid favors rich, moist soils. It may be found in bogs, stream banks, swamps or wet meadows. It also may colonize fields, moist open woods and roadside ditches.

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Q: What is the Common Ladies' Tresses Orchid's habitat?
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Spiranthes praecox is the scientific name of the giant ladies' tresses orchid.Specifically, the genus name of spiranthes honors the plant's spiraling stem. The genus name of praecox honors the "premature, precocious" early spring bloom of the plant's flowery clusters. Other common names include giant ladies' tresses and water tresses orchids.

What is the common name of Spiranthes gracilis?

Slender Ladies' Tresses Orchid is the common name of Spiranthes gracilis.Specifically, the plant in question is one of the wild orchids native to the United States of America. The common name honors the femininity of the plant's slender stem and gracefully spiraling, dainty flowers. Other common names include Long Tresses and Southern Slender Ladies' Tresses.

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Spiranthes cernus is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Fragrant Ladies' Tresses Orchid.Specifically, the first word in the scientific name honors the wild orchid's hallmark spiraling shape. The second word honors the plant's hallmark downward nodding of its bloom. The scientific name in question also holds for the plant's other common names: Common Ladies' Tresses, Nodding Ladies' Tresses, and Screw Auger Orchids.

What is the Nodding Ladies' Tresses Orchid's scientific name?

Spiranthes cernus is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Nodding Ladies' Tresses Orchid.Specifically, the first word in the scientific name honors the wild orchid's hallmark spiraling shape. The second word honors the plant's hallmark downward nodding of its bloom. The scientific name in question also holds for the plant's other common names: Common Ladies' Tresses, Fragrant Ladies' Tresses, and Screw Auger Orchids.

What is the common name of Spiranthes praecox?

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What is the Screw Auger Orchid's scientific name?

Spiranthes cernus is the scientific, Latin or binomial name of the Screw Auger Orchid.Specifically, the first word in the scientific name honors the wild orchid's hallmark spiraling shape. The second word honors the plant's hallmark downward nodding of its bloom. The scientific name in question also holds for the plant's other common names: Common Ladies' Tresses, Fragrant Ladies' Tresses, and Nodding Ladies' Tresses Orchids.

What is the common name of Spiranthes cernua?

Nodding Ladies' Tresses is the common name of Spiranthescerrnua.Specifically, the common name honors the slight downward curve of the plant's flowers. Other common names include Common Ladies' Tresses and Screw Auger. The common name Fragrant Ladies' Tresses honors the delightfully fresh fragrance of the wild orchid's bloom.

What is the water tresses orchid's scientific name?

Spiranthes praecox is the scientific name of the water tresses orchid.Specifically, the genus name of spiranthes honors the plant's spiraling stem. The genus name of praecox honors the "premature, precocious" early spring bloom of the plant's flowery clusters. Other common names include giant ladies' tresses and water tresses orchids.

What is the giant ladies' tresses orchid's habitat?

Open, moisture-retaining land is the habitat of the giant ladies' tresses orchid (Spiranthes praecox).Specifically, the orchid may be found in bogs or marshes. Or it also may favor meadows and low open woods. A particularly cheery location is its establishment in roadside banks.

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Open land is the habitat of the spring ladies' tresses orchid (Spiranthes vernalis).Specifically, the orchid favors bogs, marshes and meadows. But it also will be found growing on sandy beaches. Additionally, it anchors itself in dry to moist woodlands, grassy banks, and roadside ditches.

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Open, moisture-retaining land is the habitat of the grass-leaved ladies' tresses orchid (Spiranthes praecox).Specifically, the orchid may be found in bogs or marshes. Or it also may favor meadows and low open woods. A particularly cheery location is its establishment in roadside banks.