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In a cold place.

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Q: What is roses Habitat?
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What are roses habitat?

A roses habitat is a nice open spaced area where sunlight, rain and air can get to it to grow big :D

What is a red roses habitat?

Anal Warts.

What plants are found in a meadow habitat?

Tulips and roses

What is a aphids habitat?

Aphids suck juices from plants such as roses.

What is aphids habitat?

Aphids suck juices from plants such as roses.

What are rose's habitat?

A roses habitat is a nice open spaced area where sunlight, rain and air can get to it to grow big :D

What is the habitat of Rose?

the rose can grow in gardens green houses and wild roses grow in forests

What is a rose's habitat?

roses are found mostly in the united could also maybe find them in mexico

What is an example a habitat?

A terrestrial animal or plant is one that lives entirely on land. Examples include cats, dogs, apple trees, roses, monkeys and sheep.

What is the native habitat of roses?

Of the aprox. 125 species of roses about 95 are Asiatic, 18 American and the rest are European or North African. They occur naturally from Alaska and Siberia down to South India ,the Philippines and North Africa.

Why are there earwigs in roses?

Earwigs are attracted to moist environments, which can be found in roses due to dew or water from irrigation. They also like to hide in dark, secluded places during the day, such as the petals or crevices of roses. These conditions make roses an ideal habitat for earwigs to seek shelter and reproduce.

What are the threats of a wild rose?

Some threats to wild roses include habitat loss due to urban expansion or agriculture, competition with invasive plant species, and browsing by deer and other herbivores. Additionally, wild roses can be susceptible to diseases and pests that can impact their health and survival.