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Compost is the final product of decaying material. It is produced when organic material is piled and turned and then after a period of time it is broken down by bacteria and is then called compost

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Q: What is compost and how is produced?
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When leaves turn into compost what is produced?

What is produced is leaf mould, a fibrous, nutrient rich compost much sort after by gardeners.

What can make Vermiform compost?

Vermiform compost is a type of compost that is produced by redworms, white worms or earthworms. These worms consume organic waste and leave behind a rich compost.

Are more nutrients produced in soil with compost or without?

Soil with compost has a high nutrient level and also has a higher yield.

How can compost be produced?

Breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclable materials in cultivated and uncultivated lands or in compost bins, containers, heaps, piles, and pits are ways in which compost can be produced. Compost is organic material which is dark in color, fresh in smell, and rich in nutrients. It represents the end-product of human-intervened or Mother Nature-guided processes.

Why are air holes important for compost?

Ventilation of composting material makes sure enough oxygen gets in to allow for aerobic bacteria to compost the material. This reduces the odours produced.

What happens to the energy produced by decomposition in a compost bin?

A flow from herbivores to carnivores and a release as heat are what happens to energy produced by decomposition in a compost bin. A compost bin contains carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables which initially are processed by beneficial bacteria and fungi. The energy of that breakdown goes out as heat and through the bodies of such carnivorous decomposers as earthworms and ground-dwelling macro-invertebrates.

What do you know about compost?

That it can be home-made, nature-produced, or store-bought; results in dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter; and serves as soil amendments, fertilizers, and mulches are what is known about compost. Compost may be produced within a year by anyone who follows proper procedure in terms of subjecting carbon- and nutrient-rich recyclable materials to aeration, heat, light, moisture, and turning.

Why does the snow on your compost pile melt faster than the snow on the ground?

The snow on a compost pile melts faster than the snow on the ground because the compost pile generates heat as it decomposes organic matter. This heat speeds up the melting process of the snow on top of the compost pile. Additionally, the dark color of the compost absorbs more sunlight, further accelerating the melting.

What is the difference between compost pile and compost pit?

A compost pile is compost in a pile or heap. a compost pit is compost in a pit or hole in the ground.

How do you spell compost?


Is compost making also considered to be an agricultural system?

At the very least it's an important agricultural by-product system. In my area in the US Pacific Northwest, every large livestock facility produces thousands of tons of compost from the manure produced by the livestock. One facility about eight miles away produces about 130,000 tons of gorgeous compost annually.

What kinds of compost are offered at Cedar Grove?

Cedar Grove offers several kinds of compost. They sell landscape mulch, organic compost, compost with manure and compost mixed with sand. One can order the compost online.