A spruce tree lives in areas with moist soils, for example, the slopes of the Rocky Mountains, near streams.
Blue Spruce trees will eventually produce cones but they will be spruce cones.
a spruce tree
white spruce grow in dry fertile lands
No, lime fertilizer will not hurt Black Hills spruce trees (Picea glauca var. densata).Specifically, Black Hills spruce trees are white spruce trees that are native to South Dakota. In their native habitat, they favor acidic soils. But they flourish in a range of soils, from the very acidic 4.0 to the alkaline 7.5. They nevertheless handle lime fertililzers, which help get a soil pH into the neutral to slightly acidic range that many plants prefer.
Yes- Sitka Spruce
A spruce is a evergreen and a maple is deciduous.
are they
coniferous trees
This relationship is parasitic. This relationship is parasitic.