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I did some digging and found that you MAY be talking about a Citrus Weevil... there are also Citrus Root Weevils which are sometimes white with black stripes... they are all pretty much the same. I saw them too and was wondering if they were harmful. At first ,I thought they were kind of cute and interesting... I mean... how often do you see a WHITE bug? Then I found they are the nasty little jerks responsible for munching on my roses!! I had been WONDERING what was chewing the leaves on my plants! OH they also LOVE money trees!! All the roots of my African violets... HISTORY!! I had had those violets for the better part of 5 years too!! I am going to try my trusty soap spray to repel them... mix 1 tablespoon dish soap in 2 cups warm water. Hopefully that'll work! You gotta do it often because as soon as it rains, it washes away... which is pretty much every afternoon as of late. GOOD LUCK!!

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Q: What is a small white bug with black spots that eats leaves off outdoor bushes and plants in south Florida?
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