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They are evergreen shrubs, root climbers or small trees from variable locations, Florida, Mexico, West Indies and South America. Leaves are glossy and leathery

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14y ago

a large flowering that is part of the araceae family. don't ask how i know that, i don't even know.

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A plant that spawns on wood.

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Q: What is a philodendron?
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How do you use the word philodendron in a sentence?

That's a nice philodendron.

What does philodendron mean?

Philodendron is a plant often as a house plant

How can you use philodendron in a sentence?

This bouquet could use another philodendron.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the poisonous plant Philodendron?

The scientific name for Philodendron is Philodendron spp. It belongs to the family Araceae and is commonly referred to as aroids.

How much water does a philodendron plant need?

Philodendron plants grow best if allowed to dry out slightly before rewatering.

How does the philodendron adapt the environment in the rainforest?

the philodendron can grow massive leaves allowing it to absorb as much sunlight as possible making photosynthesis possible.

Name of 2 houseplants?

Ivy, and philodendron

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How much water does a Philodendron?

The water needs of a Philodendron can vary depending on factors like the size of the plant, its location, and the growing conditions. Generally, you should water a Philodendron when the top inch of soil feels dry. Make sure to not over-water, as this can lead to root rot.

What words that have dendron in them?

philodendron, dendrochronology, dendrites, dendrometer.

What is the scientific name of a philodendrom plant?

Philodendron bipinnatifidum

Are the plants phellodendron and philodendron the same?

No, phellodendron and philodendron are not the same. Phellodendron is a type of tree in the Rutaceae family, while philodendron is a type of flowering plant in the Araceae family commonly grown as a houseplant. They are distinct species with different characteristics.